PluXml 5.4 - Few questions

tom-asztom-asz Member
septembre 2015 modifié dans Entraide

I have a few questions:

1. Installation file does not work change the language only in the administration panel can be changed. How do I fix ??

2. How to change the default text URL: categories, archives and article on your (in terms of translation) Lpt13ap.png

3. It is a plugin for registration, because I CMS allows the administrative level ??

4. ERROR !!! Everywhere displayed good characters (letters) only in the side menu and only in the comments is a coding error. OcYbJZt.png

displays good
<?php $plxShow->lastComList('<li><a href="#com_url">#com_content</a></li>'); ?>

I get an error encoding characters are incorrect
<?php $plxShow->lastComList('<li><a href="#com_url">#com_content(33)</a></li>'); ?>

The error appears when you type (XX) reducing the number of displayable characters

I am counting on help. Regards


  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager

    1. This bug will be fixed with the next release. It is already known.

    2. You can't change this part of the url. But this plugin will allow to customise it.

    3. Sorry I don't understand.

    4. Indeed the error appears with #com_content(33). Please, try this fix

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • OK, thanks for the reply. Now just wait for the new revised version greet :)
  • Tell you how to install the plugin (MyBetterUrls) to change the URL? Folder (plxMyBetterUrls-1.4.2) to ftp to copy the plugins folder.The administrative panel does not show up ;/

    Side Menu> latest post> length the title complete dots ... ??? p6WhxgT.png
  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager

    1. the folder name must be /plugins/plxMyBetterUrls (remove -1.4.2) and see if all files are in this folder (not in a subfolder). Move them into /plugins/plxMyBetterUrls if it's not the case. Then you should see the plugin in the administration area.

    2. You can change the ended caracters by passing parameter to $plxShow->lastArtList function

    Try this
    <?php $plxShow->lastArtList('<li><a class="#art_status" href="#art_url" title="#art_title">#art_title</a></li>', 5, '', ''); ?>

    4th parameter is the ended caracters
    	 * @param1	format	format du texte pour chaque article
    	 * @param2	max	nombre d'articles maximum
    	 * @param3	cat_id	ids des catégories cible
    	 * @param4	ending	texte à ajouter en fin de ligne
    	 * @param5	sort	tri de l'affichage des articles (sort|rsort|alpha|random)

    Hope this helps

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • It does not work, it has to be 5 recent posts, truncated to 28 characters

    my code sidebar.php in themes
    <div class="prawy-blok">
    <h3><?php $plxShow->lang('LATEST_ARTICLES')?></h3>
    <?php $plxShow->lastArtList('<li><a class="#art_status" href="#art_url" title="#art_title">#art_title</a></li>', 4, '', ''); ?>

  • Which theme do you use ?
    Maybe these "..." come from the CSS style of the theme. you can look this with the page inspector of you browser. for exemple with Firefox :
  • bazooka07bazooka07 PluXml Lead Developer, Moderator
    novembre 2015 modifié
    The 3 dots at the end is just for displaying because the sidebar is not enough wide for all the characters.
    If you click on the link, can you open the right page ?
    In CSS3, the "overflow: auto" rule shorcuts the sentence to avoid a carriage return.
    You need to increase the width of the sidebar.
    With Firefox, hit control-shift-I on the keyboard to open the inspector. And the mouse select the zone on the sidebar to see the CSS rules and change the width property.
  • I want to shorten the title. Converted default style. I do not want to expand the menu.
    The question of how do these dots on the end of the title?
  • bazooka07bazooka07 PluXml Lead Developer, Moderator

    Look at the possible values for the overflow property here :

    Choose overflow=hidden if you don't want to display any dots, but AMHA it's a mistake.

  • Recent posts are as recent comments. The commentaries are doing the same thing.

    Code comments
    <?php $plxShow->lastComList('<li><a href="#com_url">#com_content(29)</a></li>'); ?>

    template does not have nothing to do with
  • @tom-asz: would it be possible to have a link for your site so we can inspect it ?

    From what I understand you want to display only last 5 recent posts in the sidebar, with each link truncated to maximum length of 28 characters ? Is that correct ?
  • kowalsky a écrit:
    @tom-asz: would it be possible to have a link for your site so we can inspect it ?

    From what I understand you want to display only last 5 recent posts in the sidebar, with each link truncated to maximum length of 28 characters ? Is that correct ?

  • kowalskykowalsky Member
    novembre 2015 modifié

    so you want to trunkate the red part of this code :

    <?php $plxShow->lastArtList('<li><a class="#art_status" href="#art_url" title="#art_title">#art_title</a></li>', 5, '', ''); ?>

    For what I understand we need the red #art_title attribut to behave like the #com_content() one.
    #art_title : affiche le titre de l'article (display article title)
    #com_content(num) : affiche les N (num) premiers caractères du commentaire (display N (num) first caracters of comment)

    Let's see with Stephane if adding #art_title(num) is possible.

    If not, we can try a CSS trick using a <span> with a 28char width and no overflow like suggested by Bazooka07

    (ps : number of displayed articles is in bold)
  • tom-asztom-asz Member
    novembre 2015 modifié
    OK, the style has helped. Thank you all for your help :)

    main code
    <?php $plxShow->lastArtList('<li style="width:230px;height:22px;overflow:hidden;"><a href="#art_url" title="#art_title">#art_title</a></li>'); ?>
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