SEACH on Pluxml

That is my First Time

I Wanna Know Why The Pluxml don't Have a Search.php System (Find System)
Because the Plux Is All Wonderfull but That This Make He Very Very Lazy

If Someone Had a Pluxml with Search Please Show To Us

If someone Had a Think of This, Post Here

That Will Make This Complete!

Thanks For all

See Ya


  • mlabmlab Member

    I think you should read THAT ;)
  • Tanks a Lot MLAB, the search is very good, but when we try log in administration that appears:

    "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\www\t\core\lib\ in C:\www\t\core\admin\auth.php on line 19"

    I Don't Understand Why...

    I Take That in This Link

    Thank for help
  • mlabmlab Member
    avril 2007 modifié
    Unfortunately, I have no time to help you now but you should try to contact birslip or, more than that, you should post a reply in the other topic.

    P.S.: If birslip have a problem with the english language, I will do my best to translate your post in french/english. ;)
  • Hi protoman,
    There is no reasons to get an error... Do you extract only on an empty folder? Or do you replace only files which are changed?
    Did you try to install the classic version?
    I hope we can fixe this error quickly...
  • Mais c'est vraiment cool qu'il y est même des anglais dans cette "communauté" pluxmlienne. Sérieusement, quand Pluxml sera traduit (j'ai vu les dernières annonces, ça va se concrétiser je pense), il y aura encore plus de monde.

    PS1: je propose mlab comme traducteur officiel du forum ! :D

    PS2: Pluxml est désormais à conquérir le monde ! :P

    Ps3: Je crois qu'il faut que je sorte là... --->
  • protomanprotoman Member
    avril 2007 modifié
    birslip a écrit:
    Hi protoman,
    There is no reasons to get an error... Do you extract only on an empty folder? Or do you replace only files which are changed?
    Did you try to install the classic version?
    I hope we can fixe this error quickly...
    - - - reactivating the discussion - - -

    Tank's "birslip", I dont modify any thing in the Pluxml, I just Extract and Install That Version With Search module.

    But I Just enter in Admin when I Copy the Files "auth.php" and "prepend.php" of another version to same dirctory of search version

    so I Can Admin That Version

    But Another Problem happened!

    The Search DON'T SEARCH!!! (It's is Funny! rss)

    The Search Just WorK In The "premiere-Text" that already it exists for standard

    But When I Post a new Article, The Search don't Find anyone Word of That New text

    This Search Don't Work If I Use a Editor Like the "Tinny Editor" too

    I Wish Understand But my knowledge don't is soo deeep

    Glad to Stay here and contribute
    hug's for all
  • gcyrillusgcyrillus Member
    avril 2007 modifié

    i am trying to use the search engine as well at the moment.

    I just find out that it ignores what is in the field "chapo" . Beside , it works fine with a fresh & new article , maybe it has to do with the "cache" used by your serveur ?
    <edit> script below updated , search now active on "chapo" as well </>

    I have made a few change to the script , so it tells you it found nothings , or puts links into a "ordered list" and offers a new searc.

    I had a input "submit" to the form so one can click on it :).

    basicly here is the function from class.pluxml.php modified:
    function getSearch() {
    foreach($this->aFiles as $i => $a) {
    $array[$i] = $this->parseArticle(PLX_DOC.$this->config.$a);
    $this->result = new recordset($array);

    $i = 0;
    $n = -1;

    $word = $_POST;
    $word = addslashes($word);
    $word = strtolower($word);

    $titre = $this->result->f('title');
    $content = $this->result->f('chapo');
    $content .= $this->result->f('content');
    $content = addslashes($content);
    $content = strtolower($content);

    $truc = substr_count($content,$word);

    $tableau[] = new search($this->result->f('file_num'),$truc,$this->result->f('title'),$this->result->f('art_name'));
    $search_results = "<ol>";

    for($i=$n;$i >= 0;$i--) {

    if(@$tableau[$i]->;value > 0) $search_results = sprintf("%s\n%s",$search_results,'<li><a href="?'.$tableau[$i]->id.'-'.$tableau[$i]->art_name.'">'.$tableau[$i]->title.'</a></li>');


    if(@$search_results=='<ol>') {$search_results = "<ul><li> ... fin de la recherche</li></ul><p><b>La recherche a étè infructueuse </b>, il n'y a rien qui corresponde à vos criteres .
    <br /> <b>Verifiez l'orthographe ou changez les mots clés. </b></p>"; }
    else { $search_results .= "</ol><ul><li> ... fin de la recherche</li></ul>";
    $search_results .= "
    <form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php\">
    <fieldset><legend>Faire une nouvelle recherche en changeant les mots clés.</legend>
    <input name=\"search\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\"".$word."\" type=\"text\" class=\"search\" /> <b> >> </b> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"rechercher !\" />

    return $search_results;
    and what i done for the menu ( belongs to the template file)
    <div id="recherche">
    <h2>Section <b>recherche</b></h2>
    <form method="post" action="index.php">
    <fieldset><legend>Recherche sur le portail</legend>
    <p> <input name="search" type="text" size="15" maxlength="255" value="" /> <input type="submit" value=" ok"

    class="submit" /></p>
    <edit> within the file "" , there's a few white space to remove after the tag ?>. it causes an error :"headers already sent" when posting a new comment. , just remove them editing the file.</>
    if that helps a bit .. great !

  • Ya Ya Ya! Is That!

    Thak's gcyrillus!!!! Thabk's birslip !!!
    The Search now is Full!!

    Just create a class.pluxml.php like gcyrillus Do and in Template, Create a Div like That

    The Pluxml is Franch But Will Change The World!
    Change Like I See The XML

    A Little Thing is Wrong, The SEACRH and the COMENTARIES Don't Acept accent!!

    The Commentaries Crack when I Write Some Like "João" "Café" "Vôo"... Latin Accents

    But This Is stuff to Another Post In That Forum no?

    Thank's All
    Glad To Stay here

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