Fatal Error
Apologies, My French is limited. I have used Pluxml in the past, and since changing hosting provider I decided to install Pluxml on my localhost for developing a new theme for my genealogy website. I am running PHP 8.4.4 and have no problems with my main content.
However, I tried to add comments to a trial post and hit a bug. This is the resultant error message copied directly
Fatal error :
type : 2 E_WARNING - See https://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php#constant.e-warning
message : Undefined array key 2
file : G:\htdocs\pluxml\core\lib\class.plx.glob.php
line : 193
User / Profil : 001 / 0
PluXml version : 5.9.0-rc7
PLX_DEBUG : true
PHP version : 8.4.4
About this server :
REQUEST_URI : /pluxml/core/admin/comment_new.php?c=0001.1739562684-1
SCRIPT_FILENAME : G:\htdocs\pluxml\core\admin\comment_new.php
SERVER_SOFTWARE : Apache/2.4.54 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1q mod_fcgid/2.3.10-dev
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE : en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
HTTP_USER_AGENT : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Can anyone help tell me how to sort this please? I downloaded Pluxml from Github
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Perhaps I should say the fatal error occurs in the admin comments section of the administration panel
This is a Release Candidat , it can be buggy and the purpose of being an RC is to be tested & to catch any bugs you discover
You may post this issue ont this thread : https://forum.pluxml.org/discussion/7574/pluxml-5-9-0#latest or/also on github at : https://github.com/pluxml/PluXml/issues
The last official version you should use online is PluXml version : 5.8.18 which you cann downlaod at : https://www.pluxml.org/download/pluxml-latest.zip Those are supposed to be bug free
Welcome on the forum
gcyrillus , simple membre du forum et utilisateur de pluxml
Mon site PluXml: https://re7net.com | Plugins: https://ressources.pluxopolis.net/banque-plugins/index.php?all_versions | demos sur free http://gcyrillus.free.fr/new | Thèmes: tester et télécharger @ https://pluxthemes.com
Indiquez [RESOLU] dans le titre de votre question une fois le soucis réglè, Merci
Thank you, Merci, gcyrillus-nomade I will download the 5.8.18 version and post the error as you have suggested
I apologise again. I've just installed v5.8.18 to localhost.
I now have this error message and on clicking the home page from administration panel, the error also appears on the home page - I've copied and pasted the error and the Pluxml installation information if it will be of help. Is there anywhere on the forum that I should post this?
Thank you, Merci for your help
I think I have solved this - apparently php 8.4 is throwing up the deprecated value therefore I have switched to php 8.1 and everything seems to be fine - fingers are crossed for luck.
Thank you again
PluXml is currently checked with PHP-8.3.xx
PluXml is using php-mailer library. And this last one needs update for PHP-8.4
Accès à mon dépôt de plugins et thèmes
installe PluXml plus vite que ton ombre avec kzInstall2
Thank you.