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  • Parfait! Merci bien :D Paul
  • Thanks Stephane. I'm ok with html & basic CSS but know next to nothing about PHP (although it looks pretty straightforward as I know C, Pascal, Basic etc). I've discovered a slight problem with this though - disabling the pagination doesn't sho…
  • Ooops, set on a per category basis :$
    dans PluXml 5.1 beta 1 Commentaire de PaulR février 2011
  • Setting 'Articles per page :' in admin->display preferences doesn't seem to have any effect (using default theme). Tried <> default 5. EDIT: The above is not quite true... Articles per page setting does work for the number of articles dis…
    dans PluXml 5.1 beta 1 Commentaire de PaulR février 2011
  • Stéphane, Thanks for the sidebar.php tip :D Take a look at this page http://www.digdeeper.org.uk/index.php?article4/old-euro and you'll see the following under the article title: Written by digDeeper | Classified in : Non classé I searched all th…
    dans PluXml 5.1 beta 1 Commentaire de PaulR février 2011
  • (Quote) I think I found another - an article that isn't classified shows as 'non classe'. Also, is the number of tags displayed in the sidebar limited in the default theme? I can't see where to change it in admin... it seems to display 20 tags maxi…
    dans PluXml 5.1 beta 1 Commentaire de PaulR février 2011
  • Sorry if this is in the wrong place.... With language set to 'en' in the default theme the sidebar text for latest comments still reads '...a dit..' instead of '..said..' although SAID is defined as 'said' in en.php. Paul
    dans PluXml 5.1 beta 1 Commentaire de PaulR février 2011
  • (Quote) Hi Stéphane, What would happen when upgrading? Would footer.php (and others) be overwritten? Many thanks, Paul
  • There are a few other places where translation could be a bit better...what's the best way to submit any improvements?
  • Moi aussi (but I can read enough French to use 5.0.2 - and it's great!)