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- kamon
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I'm sorry, I myself forgot to remove the output buffer at the end of the page ob_end_flush();
gcyrillus-nomade, respect! Great, your code works, I added the date of the article: <?php $plxShow->lastArtList('#num_day #month #num_year(4). #art_title',4, substr($plxShow->artCatIds(), 0, 3)) ?>
pluxml + php 8.2 = dead project with null support; the best 5.8.3 + php 7.4; project null(); (function repeat() { eat(); sleep(); code(); repeat();})();
Hosting: - Then contact the developers!!!
These are standard things, that's understandable.
The lines are indicated earlier in core/lib/class.plx.motor.php version 5.8.14: * public $infos_statics; # Plugin PlxMultilingue : tableau page statics par langue * public $infos_arts; # Plugin PlxMultilingue : tableau articles par langue New Err…