I'm looking for english langs

Are there ready english langs for download?


  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    Wait 5.1 release. Will be available with english translation soon.

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • We currently have version 5.0.2, so the 5.1 will certainly pass a lot of time. I would prefer something on it now, because I urgently use this system :/
  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    5.1 is ready. we have to check some details before to release it. few days i hope

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • That's great! I will be waiting. Thank you for informations.
  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    You're welcome

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • Pluxml is spreading through word of mouth... good job!
  • I can create polish lang for PluXml, but first i must base on a english lang. :)
  • Stéphane a écrit:
    5.1 is ready. we have to check some details before to release it. few days i hope
    now, is that true ? If so, you made my day :-)
  • Stéphane a écrit:
    5.1 is ready. we have to check some details before to release it. few days i hope
    Great !
    I'm actually waiting for it ,then looking to edit dutch(NL) lang files.

    happy new year all of you :)

    gcyrillus , simple membre du forum et utilisateur de pluxml

    Mon site PluXml: https://re7net.com | Plugins: https://ressources.pluxopolis.net/banque-plugins/index.php?all_versions | demos sur free http://gcyrillus.free.fr/new | Thèmes: tester et télécharger @ https://pluxthemes.com
    Indiquez [RESOLU] dans le titre de votre question une fois le soucis réglè, Merci

  • Moi aussi (but I can read enough French to use 5.0.2 - and it's great!)
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