Categories in home
dans Modifications
Hello, i want to tell you that pluxml is amazing. I have some problems using this forum, i know a little french but i also use google translate for it.
Ok, my question is if i can in a way make categories to appear in the loop like them articles appear on my homepage. i really disn't found the code for that.
My site is if you are intersted to view the template.
Ok, my question is if i can in a way make categories to appear in the loop like them articles appear on my homepage. i really disn't found the code for that.
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See categorie.php file in your theme folder.
Consultant PluXml
Ancien responsable et développeur de PluXml (2010 à 2018)
What i want is to find what the shortscripts are for category to use them on the loop.
I have this lines
<?php while($plxShow->plxMotor->plxRecord_arts->loop()): ?>
<h2><?php $plxShow->artTitle('link'); ?></h2>
<div class="image"><div class="pcaption"><?php $plxShow->artTitle(); ?></div><img src="../script/timthumb.php?src=../data/images/<?php $plxShow->artTitle(); ?>/<?php echo rand(1,3);?>.jpg&a=c&h=120&w=690&zc=1" alt="">
<div class="art-chapo"><?php $plxShow->artChapo(); ?></div>
there i want to change the plxRecord_arts with something to take them categories and recursively artTitle with catsTitle i guess and so on...
I also looked in the core for what i have to put in there but i didn't figured it!
If you add this following line in the loop (in home.php) it will display the name of the category
Is it what you want to do ?
Consultant PluXml
Ancien responsable et développeur de PluXml (2010 à 2018)
I paste the code it works just fine but the <?php echo rand(1,3);?> won't work!
Here's the code - you also can see it live on my website.
Anyway if it's another option to make this please tell me, or if u know how can i make the php rand to work inside that.(i like few rotating images)
<?php $plxShow->catList('','<h2 id="#cat_id" class="#cat_status"><a href="#cat_url" title="#cat_name">#cat_name</a></h2>
<div class="image"><div class="pcaption">#cat_name</div><img src="../script/timthumb.php?src=../data/images/#cat_name/1.jpg&a=c&h=120&w=690&zc=1" alt="">
'); ?>