Automatic URL, and category does not occur.

mahmudmahmud Member
Article writing does not consist URL automatically. The URL of the new-article hangs permanently.

I also want to add a new article consists category I add a different category , but lost when I published the article .

Use version: 5.5



  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    Hi mahmud
    Could you please give us some examples. I don't understand the problem. Thanks

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • Stéphane a écrit:
    Hi mahmud
    Could you please give us some examples. I don't understand the problem. Thanks

    Hello , I'm sorry. Moderate know English. When you add the URL of an article it does not automatically occur. Continuing in "new-article" . I have to change it manually.

  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    Url field is automatically defined with what you entered in the title of the article
    If you change the title, you must change the url, or leaving it blanks. Then it will be generated once again by PluXml.

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • Stéphane a écrit:
    Url field is automatically defined with what you entered in the title of the article
    If you change the title, you must change the url, or leaving it blanks. Then it will be generated once again by PluXml.

    Hi, I created swf video to better understand. Would you check? Thank you.
  • (en passant, c'est génial ce machin vidéo pour montrer un comportement, le truc s'appelle Jing)
  • StéphaneStéphane Member, Former PluXml Project Manager
    @mahmud: Thanks for the video. Indeed it helps. Unfortunatilly I can't reproduce the problem. The category is well saved and in the list. Still working on the problem. To be continued...

    Consultant PluXml

    Ancien responsable du projet (2010 à 2018)

  • Stéphane a écrit:
    @mahmud: Thanks for the video. Indeed it helps. Unfortunatilly I can't reproduce the problem. The category is well saved and in the list. Still working on the problem. To be continued...

    Thank you. I am a person who usually perfectionist . It will touch on why BUG help you a lot . Although I found a small error in the notification.

    Beautiful software. Really nice. Thank you.
  • kowalskykowalsky Member
    avril 2016 modifié
    Could it be coming from the caracter encoding ? In the exemple, the category that goes wrong is "fotoǧraflar" with a special "ǧ" (LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CARON). Maybe this caracter is messing with PluXml code when clicking on "publish" and this is the reason url and category are not saved ?

    [del]@mahmud : what is your computer language setting (like UTF8 or ISO-xxx or KOI-xx) ?[/del]

    La réponse est dans cette autre discussion :)
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