Position du menu et espace entre les articles sur la page d'accueil!!
Hello everyone, I'm new to PluXml. I am trying to migrate my site currently under Word press. I encounter two main difficulties.
- The menu that displays the static page groups is visibly poorly positioned and displays only two pages in the group?
- I would like to precisely define the size of the preview of the articles (the chapo) on the reception area so that the image, the title and the chapo are clearly delimited compared to the following article
I do not know if my requests are very clear but I take any help in solving these problems ...
thank you in advance
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The menu that displays the static page groups is visibly poorly positioned and displays only two pages in the group?
Hi Silence00:
De tête, je me rappelle de se probleme et Il est possible que cela soit l'arriere plan de l'image d'en tête "<div class="bg">" de home.php qui cache le bas des sous-menus si tu utilise le theme fournis par défaut avec PluXml 5.7
Mais c'est peut-être autre chose aussi ;)
At the top, I remember the problem and it is possible that it is the background of the image of the top "<div class="bg">" of home.php that hides the bottom of the submenus if you use the theme provided by default with PluXml 5.7
But maybe it's something else too.
where your test web site? if online ;)
Notre temps est la seule monnaie vraie ;)
Site, Dépôt, framagit, MyShop, Factux
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