I am looking for advice on customizing themes in PluXml.

Hello everyone :)

I am new to Plu Xml and am searching for advice on how to customize themes. I want to change the layout and design of my website to better reflect my personal style; but I do not know where to begin. Could someone provide advice or resources on how to change themes; particularly when it comes to changing the color scheme, fonts; and layout components? you have any best practices for keeping a clean and responsive design; :) I would love that.

Thanks in advance for your assistance <3


  • 3 oct. modifié

    basicly, to become familiar with the themes of PluXml , you can use a copy of the default theme to understand how the contents are injected . Themes are broken into bits and follow a basic rule to be seeable in the administration :

    1. required Files , points of entrance

      • infos.xml (names the theme in Admin)
      • preview.* (small screenshot of the thème to easely distinguish tt in the admin)
      • home.php (file loaded by pluxml on home )
      • article.php (file loaded while opening an article page)
      • categorie.php ...
      • static.php ...
    2. The default theme will call from those previuos files other common files (header,sidebar,footer, commentaire) to build the full document.

    3. CSS are linked into the theme from the header.php file template .

    Default themes comes with 2 css files
    1. Plucss To build the basic grid layout system
    2. theme.css finalize the look of the default theme . loads font, sets colors, backgrounds, ... this is probably the first file you want to try to modify.
    3. and a third one dedicated to the print

    For the layout, Plucss has prebuilt classes. You have to use this classes in the HTML to modify the layout . You can choose to not use it and use another libraries you are familiar with (bootstrap, tailwinds, your own ...) but then have to dispatch their classes into the html tags of the templates and reorder/modify the main structures.

    You can also download other themes closer to your idea and modify them to your needs.Some are variants, others built on bootstrap or from a plain CSS files.

    If you already have your theme in a plain HTML format, you can break it into pieces , on one side the common files to all pages (header,sidebar,menu,footer) and the other sides the content parts for each mode of Pluxml (home,article,statics,categorie, and also archives, tags, and comments for the articles) The default themes comes with almost all pieces of active code to inject the datas needed for each of these files.

    the forum can better answer specific question ;) , an efficient answer to your question would almost be a full tutorial.

    Welcome to PluXml

    gcyrillus , simple membre du forum et utilisateur de pluxml

    Mon site PluXml: https://re7net.com | Plugins: https://ressources.pluxopolis.net/banque-plugins/index.php?all_versions | demos sur free http://gcyrillus.free.fr/new | Thèmes: tester et télécharger @ https://pluxthemes.com
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